Our children are out of the class room and into the backyard. Playing outside is a summer time fun. But outside playtime comes with sun exposure. Here are a couple of sun safety tips for the summer fun.
Sun Protection
- Cover-up. Wear lightweight cotton pants, long-sleeved shirts and hats. Don’t forget the shades! Sunglasses look cool and will help shield the eyes from the UV radiation that causes cataracts. Find a medium to dark pair with large lenses that wrap around the sides.
- Schedule outdoor time. Plan activities to avoid the time from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm when the UV rays are the strongest.
- Carry shade. Use the stroller’s umbrellas for little ones or bring a sun umbrella or canopy to create shade when there are no trees or awnings available.
- Use Sunscreen. Choose a sunscreen that says “broad spectrum” this means it covers both UVB and UVA rays. Use at least an SPF (Sun protection factor) of 30. Use a sunscreen lotion that contains either zinc oxide or titanium dioxide. Apply 15 to 30 minutes before heading out and re-apply every 2 hours.
- For our little ones, less than 6 months: keep them out of direct sunlight because their skin is not yet protected by melanin.
- You can apply a small amount on their face and back of hands, but keep them covered with lightweight clothing.
- Talk to us about Vitamin D supplements for our breastfed little ones.
Sun Burns
- Use cool water to help the skin cool, can apply medicated lotions or aloe to soothe skin, and use Acetaminophen or Ibuprofen for painful sunburns.
- If blisters develop from a sunburn, do not pop them.
- Hydrate from the inside with extra oral fluids, use water or diluted juice to replace fluid loss.
American Academy of Pediatrics. Sun Safety: Information for parents about sunburns & sunscreen. Retrieved from: www.healthychildren.org
Environmental Working Group. Sun safety guide for children. Health child health work. Retrieved from: https://healthychild.org/assets/HCHW_sunsafety_guide_v41.pdf
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